“I get lost in space-time and return to the origin”

Solo Show, Palacio Vergara Museum
Viña del Mar, Chile

in the act of painting, in the magic of abstraction - of detaching oneself, in clearing the mind, and being in the present. I get lost, and then I find myself. I find myself in expression, in solitude, and in silence. I recognize myself in the honesty of existence, and each stroke becomes a record of truth, a moment of presence.

our dimension, it's what's real, physical, and concrete, but it's also relative to the observer. Relativity is tied to an individual's perception of space, distorted by memory, blurs the temporality of the moment, and transports me. It takes me from the present to a state of awareness, that perception of physical space brings me back to the origin.

when I return to my city, when I breathe in the humidity of the sea air, then I can close my eyes and return to my childhood; here and now, I am the same. When I enter the museum and climb its stairs, hear the sound, and remember the scent of wood and oil, then I return to the origin. I connect with my past, with who I was and who I am at the same time, with my innocent creativity, with my artistic self, with my original self. I recognize myself.


Transit (Solo)